
About Me

Hanna Meyti Mendelichova Sitepu is my full name, but usually written as Hanna Meyti Sitepu. I was born on May, 10th 1993.  I am a karonesse woman, but now I am living in Semarang. I am a graduate student in UNAKI Semarang and study about English and Literature.

I love writing, so that I try to write in this blog.
I always write everything that just pass in my mind,, but I love it.
It makes my brain work and refresh my mind.
My friends, my experiences, my family, etc are always become my inspiration.
Inspiration always comes anytime it wants. It comes when I am walking, I am reading, or when I am on the way to some places.
 So, in this blog, I just wanna write everything that I think it's interesting or important for me.

with love,

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